

Nevis Aquatic and Sailing Center runs Swim and Sail programs for the Nevis community, Easter and Summer Camps, Regattas and social events, rents out boats and provides private lessons, Women’s empowerment events, Beach Games and Marine Biology campaigns and education. 

The details given below are necessarily dry and financial but they should not disguise the passion and belief everyone at NASC – Directors, Volunteers and Instructors – has in what we are doing. We see every week how our programs transform lives, build friendships and community and provide unique opportunities for individuals to develop self belief and pride. We are determined not to be just OK, but rather to be a center of excellence, a place Nevisians can be proud of, a place families come to visit and enjoy. We explain below what we are doing toward this goal and the ways in which you can help and be part of this journey.      

Nevis Aquatic and Sailing Center is a registered not for profit company. We bank with the National Bank and have full indemnity insurances with Delisle Walwyn. This means we operate under strict not for profit rules. No Director can receive any direct or indirect payment from the company and all revenues have to be reinvested in the company – not distributed to members. So 100% of any money given to us as a subscription or donation goes directly to providing front line services to the local community. 

The Center works on a simple financial model. Our aim each year is to raise enough in member subscriptions to cover our overheads – principally rent of the Center, insurances and maintenance costs. These have risen sharply in recent years so we have worked hard to expand membership. This allows us to keep charges for our swim and sail programs at an affordably level. The effect of Covid over the past few years has impacted on the incomes of local families, that is why we work very hard to keep costs down.

In addition each year we run major donation campaigns to expand and enhance our programs and keep pace with rising demand and expectation. In 2024 we set off with major campaign objectives:

  1. Buying Boats-Optis and Lasers

  2. Formation of Youth Elite Sail Training Program

  3. Improvement works to the Center


  • Canopy, tables and chairs for our new “upper deck”.


1. Becoming a Member

If you want to contribute in this way please contact and we will make necessary arrangements. You can also sign up here and make an online payment. 

As a Member you are entitled to: 

  • Vote at the AGM

  • Receive regular news updates on what we are doing

  • Get discounts on boat rentals

  • Get discounts on adult sail classes

  • Receive invites to all Center events

Previous Member updates are set out below:

June 2024 Update

October 2023 Update

April 2022 Update

December 2021 Update

September 2021 Update

December 2020 Update

September 2020 Update

August 2020 Update

July 2020 Update

June 2020 Update 

2. Becoming a Sponsor / Making a Donation

You can contribute to our plans and ambitions to create a center of excellence at our Oualie base and transforming the lives of Nevisians by contributing to help realise our Improvement Priorities. These are set out above. Contributions can be made online. If you donate funds to NASC we will keep you informed as to the use of those funds and exactly how they have been invested. Donate Here

3. Sponsorship of Summer and Easter Camps

Our Summer and Easter camps are hugely popular for young people and families on the Island. Again we try and keep costs down and affordable by local families. Where we need help is in the special events we build in that have such a huge impact on young lives. In recent years for example we have raised sponsorship for a Catamaran trip as the culmination of the Summer sail and Aquatic camps. If you would like to help us in this way please contact Danielle Connor direct on

4. Rams Shopping Points

When you shop in Rams you give your Shoppers Number upon which you accumulate points redeemable twice a year at a set time as a discount on purchases. Many are not on island to redeem these points. NASC has set up its own Rams shoppers number. If you give that at the checkout the points will be used by NASC to buy provisions for refreshments at Camps and fundraisers. The number to give will be posted shortly-as its being finalized.

5. Attending Regattas and Fundraising events

We aim to hold two Regattas (two will also be held by St Kitts Yacht Club) and three fundraising events each year. We will advise everyone directly and on social media as to when these are. As is clear from previous success , these are critical to our realising our ambitions. Please look out for our notices and if you are on island please join us for a day of fun, celebration and racing. 

6. Volunteering

As a not for profit we rely heavily on volunteers for the running of Swim and Sail programs, Summer and Easter Camps, Regattas and events etc. Volunteering at NASC can involve helping to check people in and out, helping serve at fundraisers and events, keeping eyes on the water and beach safety etc. If you are interested in helping and can give some time to help us please contact Carolyn Wood on

Online payment button is in Eastern Caribbean Currency (XCD). Please enter the XCD Dollar amount into the field.