The name “C.A.R.E. SKN” reveals its mission in 3 words: Assistance, Restoration and Education of Coral Reef in St.Kitts & Nevis.

A newly formed NGO now partnered with the Nevis Aquatic and Sailing Center and based out of the Center’s location at Oualie Bay, Nevis. The objectives of C.A.R.E. SKN are to assist with the restoration and preservation of coral reefs in St.Kitts & Nevis which will enhance the local fish population and habitat, protect the coastline, bring back healthy reefs, attract more tourists to the country. C.A.R.E. SKN intends to monitor the coral reef through diverse methods and research, to develop a coral reef nursery and artificial reef initiatives. Those objectives will come along with collaboration with the Department of Marine Resource (DMR) and Ross University. C.A.R.E. SKN intends to establish education programs about coral assistance and restoration through summer camps, after school programs and training opportunities. We plan to create awareness in schools, with fishermen, dive operators, vessel owners, the general public and tourists.

LEARN MORE ABOUT C.A.R.E. SKN, their projects, programs and upcoming courses through their website. You may also contact them at