Bush Landscaping-Mulch your Garden

Do you need mulch? Use your own unwanted trees / foliage. Make mulch out of it instead of having them trucked away. Bush Landscaping will bring their machine(s) to your property and turn your trees and cuttings to mulch for you. The service on offer here is for 2 hours mulching which would normally cost $475XCD.


The mulch team consists of 2 people and a 3" shredder (palm fronds etc) and/or 2 people with a chainsaw and 5"chipper (branches, trees etc)


By mulching your yard waste, you enrich your garden and contribute to a more sustainable environment. Reduce your carbon footprint and minimise the burden on landfills by transforming your yard waste into a valuable resource.


Please place your bid below in the comments section.  Make your bid in EC dollars.  Check back often to make sure yours is the winning bid!  

(Top Tip:  Sort comments by Newest First and you’ll see the amount to beat.)


Cross Channel Swimsuit


Bag from The Arthouse