Nevis Aquatic and Sailing Center

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Nevis Yacht Charter

Miles will sail you from Oualie Bay to relax, snorkel and swim in the seas around Nevis. This half day trip is available for a half day sail, to be redeemed within 1 year excluding public holidays and December 18th - January 6th.

Miles provides refreshments and all snorkelling gear for up to 8 people

Value - Half day sail - $700us, 9:30am - 1:00pm or 2:00pm - 5:30pm

Minimum Bid: $1,000XCD

Please place your bid below in the comments section.  Make your bid in EC dollars.  Check back often to make sure yours is the winning bid!  

(Top Tip:  Sort comments by Newest First and you’ll see the amount to beat.)